Air travel company’s flexible working policy disadvantaged women

In Zaidi v Dnata Ltd (ET/3302697/2022) a female airport worker has won her indirect sex discrimination case against an air travel services provider, with a tribunal ruling that the company’s policy that staff work any shift put women at a disadvantage because it conflicted with childcare commitments. Pro Employment LawFormed in 2017, following significant legislative… >>

Constructive dismissal: ET erred by taking into account claimant’s failure to appeal grievance outcome when deciding whether the employer was in repudiatory breach

In Nelson v Renfrewshire Council [2024] EAT 132 the EAT held that the employment tribunal had wrongly taken into account the claimant’s failure to appeal the outcome of her grievance when deciding whether or not the employer’s conduct amounted to a breach of the implied term of mutual trust and confidence. It is the employer’s… >>

TPC’s consultation on changes to procedure rules in ETs (England & Wales) and ETs (Scotland)

The Tribunal Procedure Committee (TPC) has launched a consultation seeking views on potential amendments to the rules for each Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal and the employment tribunals (ETs) regarding the provision of written reasons for decisions. The procedural rules that apply to ETs are contained in Schedule 1 to the Employment Tribunals (Constitution &… >>

Former Royal Mint HR director partly successful in disability claim

In Bradley v The Royal Mint Ltd (ET Case No 1601525/2022), the Cardiff Employment Tribunal concluded that the Royal Mint discriminated against its Human Resources director for a reason arising in consequence of her disability (of depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) by denying her request to rescind the resignation that she submitted while… >>

Changes to HMCTS Cloud Video Platform and the Video Hearings Service

HM Court and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) have advised that there will be an update to the technology supporting the Cloud Video Platform (CVP) and the Video Hearings Service (VHS). The update requires organisations to check, and possibly change, their firewall settings. The changes impact any practice area that could involve attendance at a court hearing…. >>

Christian worker with anti-LGBT views partly wins bias case

In Ngole v Touchstone Leeds (ET Case No 1805942/2022) a Christian social worker has partially succeeded in his claims of discrimination and harassment based on religion or belief against the health support charity that rescinded his job offer after an internet search revealed his views on homosexuality. The claim for direct discrimination based on religion… >>