Under section 147 of the Equality Act 2010 (EqA 2010) it is not possible to settle or compromise claims before they have arisen. Therefore a clause in a settlement agreement to waive the employee’s right to claim age discrimination was of no effect where the circumstances said to give rise to such a claim, e.g…. >>
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has warned it will investigate organisations that do not assess the public risks of using emotion analysis technologies before implementing them. Emotion analysis technology collects, stores and processes a range of personal data, including subconscious behavioural or emotional responses. The ICO is concerned the inability of insufficiently developed algorithms to… >>
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) has published the results of its survey, conducted by YouGov, on whether British businesses feel they are well-equipped with supporting women going through the menopause at their workplace. The poll found that 33% of employers did not feel well-equipped, 46% did feel well-equipped, and 21% did not know…. >>
An original document, which was not covered by legal professional privilege at its creation, would not, as a result of revisions being made as a result of legal advice, retrospectively become privileged even if an incidental consequence of its disclosure and comparison with the disclosed final version might be to allow inferences to be drawn… >>
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published a report on ‘Navigating barriers to senior leadership for people from minority ethnic groups in FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 companies’. The aim of the report is to provide evidence on the challenges and opportunities that Black and minority ethnic individuals may experience in progressing to the boards… >>
An employment tribunal has held that support for a football club is not a protected philosophical belief under the Equality Act 2010 (EqA 2010). McClung v Doosan Babcock Ltd and others ETS/4110538/2019 In the case of McClung v Doosan Babcock Ltd and others, the claimant, Mr McClung, is a staunch and lifelong supporter of Glasgow… >>
A group of major British trade unions confirmed on Tuesday 20 September 2022 that they have kicked off a legal challenge to government regulations that allow employers to use agency workers during strikes, saying the new regulations are unlawful. Thompsons Solicitors LLP, acting on behalf of a group of 11 trade unions, announced it has… >>
7,659 single claims were received by employment tribunals in the period from April to June 2022 (20% less than in the same quarter in 2020), 6,465 single claims were disposed of (39.5% more than in the same quarter in 2020) and at the end of June 2022 there were 43,323 outstanding single claims (5.7% more… >>
The potential merits of a proposed complaint, which is not plainly so weak that it would fall to be struck out, are not necessarily an irrelevant consideration when deciding whether it is just and equitable to extend time, or whether to grant an application to amend. However, if the tribunal weighs in the balance against… >>